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VSC Field Closure and Game/Practice Cancellation Process/Policy

During the Spring and Fall seasons weather can play a major role in our seasonal schedule. Field closings, game & practice cancelations, postponements and last minute schedule changes are inevitable. These changes may be noted under announcements on the home page of the VSC website, on your individual Team Connect site, Team Page, &/or on game/practice calendars. Please check the VSC website, your Team Connect site and email before heading to any games/practices/training sessions if in doubt. The safety of our players is always our main concern. The VSC will cancel events when fields are deemed unsafe, unplayable or lightning/thunder is in the area. While not always ideal… we like to remind everyone that soccer is an all-weather sport and games are not canceled because of rain, but because of potential damage to the fields & unsafe playing conditions. The VSC will attempt to complete all scheduled games and practices when possible.

The following outlines the process for closing VSC facilities or canceling games or practices.

The VSC Field Closure Policy and Procedure is three-fold

  1. Our first priority is to promote safe play that will not jeopardize players' safety.
  2. Second is to play in conditions that will not result in damage to the fields.
  3. Third is to communicate changes with as much advanced notice as possible.


In the event of field closures the VSC Field director will use some or all of the following methods of communication

  1. Will use the website automatic email feature to send field closure emails to the effected rosters of the teams using the closed field
  2. Will update schedules and calendars on the website.
  3. Will update Team Connect sites
  4. Will update the website "Announcements" on the homepage


Note that there are 3 different closure policies dependent on what program you are in!

Lightning Rule Applies to All Programs

(1) Apply the 30-30 rule: When you see lightning, count the time until you hear thunder. If this time is 30 seconds or less, seek proper shelter. If you can't see the lightning, just hearing the thunder is a good back-up rule. Wait 30 minutes or more after hearing the last thunder before leaving shelter.

(2) Know and heed warning systems and community rules. Many communities or park systems have lightning detection and warning systems. Use this information and obey the rules established by the community or park system.

(3) Know and apply the rules or procedures established by the competition authority

(4) Minimize the risk of being struck Referees must protect the safety of all participants by stopping game activities quickly, so that participants and spectators may retire to a safer place before the lightning threat becomes significant.

Remember, if you hear thunder, you are within reach of lightning.

In-House Specific Policies: Dino/Dinomites/Micro/8U/10U

Weekday procedure for field closures and schedule modifications

  1. Coaches work directly with the Field Director and their Division Director if a practice or game needs to be cancelled, rescheduled or added.
  2. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will use the website to send out automatic emails to send field closure emails to the effected rosters of the teams using the closed field
  3. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will update schedules and calendars on the website.
  4. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will update Team Connect sites.
  5. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the website "Announcements" on the homepage if needed.
  6. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the schedule manager of the VSC Trainer in all scenarios.

Weekend procedure for field closures and schedule modifications

  1. Members of the VSC Board will walk the fields, review the weather outlook and work directly with the VSC Field Director to make any changes and notify the Division Director, these individuals together are the sole decision-makers regarding field closures, game cancellations or modifications of weekend events. Coaches are not to cancel or modify games on their own.
  2. Should the fields be questionable for play and the weather forecast calls for continued rain for the majority of the day, they will close the fields for the day and all games will be cancelled. By closing the fields all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above.
  3. Should the forecast be questionable, perhaps rain or unplayable field conditions in the morning but conditions may improve, then the morning events may be rescheduled to a later start time in the afternoon. Late soccer is better than no soccer! When modifying start times… all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above.
  4. Should the fields be closed for afternoon play, all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above.
  5. The Field Director shall notify the Referee Director and schedule manager of the VSC Trainer of any changes in the game schedules.

Division 5 Specific Policy: 12U/15

Weekday procedure for field closures and schedule modifications

  1. Coaches work directly with the Field Director and their Division Director if a practice or game needs to be cancelled, rescheduled or added.
  2. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will use the website to send out automatic emails to send field closure emails to the effected rosters of the teams using the closed field
  3. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will update schedules and calendars on the website.
  4. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will update Team Connect sites.
  5. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the website "Announcements" on the homepage if needed.
  6. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the schedule manager of the VSC Trainer.

Weekend procedure for field closures and schedule modifications

  1. Members of the VSC Board will walk the fields, review the weather outlook and work directly with the VSC Field Director to make any changes to HOME games and notify the Division Director, these individuals together are the sole decision-makers regarding field closures, game cancellations or modifications of weekend events. Once scheduled, coaches are not to cancel or modify games on their own. Should an Out-of-Town team cancel on a game being played in Vernon, please notify the Field Director, Referee Director and Division Director immediately.
  2. Should an Out-of-Town team cancel an AWAY game, please notify the Field Director and Division Director immediately.
  3. Should the fields be questionable for play and the weather forecast calls for continued rain for the majority of the day, they will close the fields for the day and all games will be cancelled. By closing the fields all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above. Coaches will be responsible for notifying the visiting team in advance to stop their travel to Vernon and work with the Field Director to reschedule the game.
  4. Should the forecast be questionable, perhaps rain or unplayable field conditions in the morning but conditions may improve, then the morning events may be rescheduled to a later start time in the afternoon. Coaches will work with the Visiting Coach, Field Director and Referee Director to see if late start options are available for the same day. Late soccer is better than no soccer! When modifying start times… all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above.
  5. Should the fields be closed for afternoon play, all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above. The Field Director shall notify the Referee Director of any changes in the game schedules. Coaches will notify visiting coaches of cancellations.
  6. The Field Director shall notify the Referee Director of any changes in the game schedules with any of the above scenarios.
  7. Do to the nature of Out-of-Town teams traveling to Vernon and our teams traveling to other Towns... every effort should be made to play these games,
  8. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the schedule manager of the VSC Trainer in all scenarios.

Competitive / Travel Specific Policy

Weekday procedure for field closures

  1. Coaches work directly with the Field Director and their Division Director if a practice or game needs to be cancelled, rescheduled or added.
  2. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will use the website to send out automatic emails to send field closure emails to the effected rosters of the teams using the closed field
  3. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will update schedules and calendars on the website.
  4. Coaches, the Field Director and their Division Director will determine who will update Team Connect sites.
  5. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the website "Announcements" on the homepage if needed.
  6. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the schedule manager of the VSC Trainer.

Weekend procedure for field closures

  1. Competitive Head Coaches and the VSC Field Director will work together to make any changes, these individuals together are the sole decision-makers regarding field closures, game cancellations or modifications of weekend events. The Division Director is to be notified of any changes. Should an Out-of-Town team cancel, please notify the Field Director, Referee Director and Division Director immediately. The Referee Director must be notified with advanced notice of all cancellations and/or modifications to HOME games/friendlies/scrimmages or the coach/team will be responsible for the costs associated with the referees.
  2. Should the fields be questionable for play and the weather forecast calls for continued rain for the majority of the day, the Field Director at his sole discretion may close the fields for the day and all games will be cancelled. By closing the fields all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above. The Competitive Head Coach shall be responsible for notifying the visiting team in advance to stop their travel to Vernon and work with the Field Director and Referee Director to reschedule the game.
  3. Should the forecast be questionable, perhaps rain or unplayable field conditions in the morning but conditions may improve, then the morning events may be rescheduled to a later start time in the afternoon. Coaches will work with the Visiting Coach, Field Director and Referee Director to see if late start options are available for the same day. Late soccer is better than no soccer! When modifying start times… all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above.
  4. Should the fields be closed for afternoon play by the Field Director, all players and parents will automatically be notified using some or all of the methods of communication outlined above. The Field Director shall notify the Referee Director of any changes in the game schedules. Competitive Head Coaches will notify visiting coaches of cancellations.
  5. The Field Director shall notify the Referee Director of any changes in the game schedules with any of the above scenarios.
  6. Do to the nature of Out-of-Town teams traveling to Vernon and our teams traveling to other Towns... every effort should be made to play these games.
  7. The Field Director and the Division Director will determine who will update the schedule manager of the VSC Trainer in all scenarios.
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