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Travel Program

Consistent with Vernon Soccer Club Policy, the purpose of Vernon Travel Soccer is to provide the youth of Vernon with a positive athletic experience while learning, playing, and enjoying the game of soccer, but at a higher level versus other towns within the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association.

Our travel programs begin at U9 and continue through high school (spring only) and focus on developing a player's technical and tactical skills. Practices are held two weeknights per week and home and/or away games are played each weekend. Teams may also opt to compete in tournaments at the coach's discretion. There are no playing time minimums for players on higher level travel teams. Coaches have sole discretion over lineups and player field time.

Tryouts take place annually in June and the dates will be posted on the website in advance of the tryouts.

VSC encourages anyone with interest to come and enjoy the evaluation. Coaches and board members will be on hand to answer questions about the program.

REQUIRED For Tryouts: Please bring a soccer ball, and water bottle. Current VSC players should NOT wear team uniforms for tryouts.

Your child must be signed up (with the medical waiver signed) and be paid in full for base registration, upon selection and acceptance into the travel program there will be an additional fee. Your child only needs to make one tryout to be eligible, but the more tryouts he or she can make the better the chances he or she will have to make a team.

Good Faith Offering
Our target is a 6 to 10 game season and 1-2 practices a week. Factors that can impact this good faith intertown offering are our volunteer coach schedules and availability, player availability, other town's cancelling after games are scheduled, field and weather conditions, safety, mandatory or suggested Town / State shutdowns, Pandemics, etc.

Registration Listing

2025 Spring CNC League Soccer

2025 Spring CNC League - IMPORTANT - Required evaluations are not required for the spring season. Please bring printed registration confirmation on tryout day to ensure your player can participate. Refunds or your choice of alternative placement are available for players not placed on a team. Please get in touch with the Travel Director directly if you cannot attend an evaluation to review alternatives.

Full program offerings are available for review on our homepage via the program tab at

Returning Players: Uniform kits were provided once annually to all players to be used for the 2024-25 fall and spring seasons. Replacement Kits are at the player's expense.

New Players: New travel players are welcome to register with the majority of players being placed on teams. Should it be determined that there is no room on a team due to skill level concerns a conversation will be held with the guardians of the player to determine the next steps. New players will be provided a full uniform kit once annually to be used for the 2024-25 spring seasons to match the team's existing kit.

Please visit your team's home page on the website for all information regarding your team – coaches, schedules, rosters, results, and team news - throughout the season.

Please log onto your account and make sure all player information is correct and any contact information is updated. We use our website to contact parents and players on upcoming events including any last minutes changes or cancellations. Please ensure you have enabled text alerts so you will receive your coach’s important updates and last-minute changes.

If you are new to the travel division, we will need a copy of your player’s birth certificate - uploaded to our website on the player's personal information page as well as a “headshot” of your player for their required CJSA player pass.

Coaches will contact you directly with information shortly regarding the upcoming season so please look for an email from them.

Please review:

Please review these documents and talk to your coach or the VSC Travel Director if you have any questions.

Thank you!
VSC Travel Committee

Don't forget to stop by the VSC store to pick up some great VSC merchandise!
VSC is a voluntary Organization run by Volunteers, we count on your participation to help form and coach teams,


Your coach will expect your child to be prepared to practice – which means being ready to work and to have fun! Please be sure that your child has cleats (double-knotted) and shin guards (worn under socks at all times). Please bring the correct size soccer ball (U8 - U12 - size 4 / U13 - U15 - Size 5) and a full water bottle. All items should be labeled with your child’s name and phone number. Long hair should be tied back and no jewelry (including necklaces, earrings, watches, or hair clips) should be worn. Please have your child visit the restroom before practice. 

PLEASE BE ON TIME to pick your child up from practice. Not only is this a common courtesy, but a safety issue as well. If your child is to go home with someone else, please be sure to personally notify your coach prior to the start of practice. By the same token, sometimes coaches can be delayed. Do not leave your child on the practice field without a coach in attendance.

All players should plan to arrive at the fields at least thirty minutes before their game begins unless otherwise instructed by their coach. Again, please come ready to play. Your child should wear his/her team jersey, shin guards under socks, and cleats!! 

Please drive SLOWLY around the fields!!!!

If you will miss (or be late to) practice or a game…
Be sure to notify your coach as far in advance as possible. Soccer is a team sport and while a perfect attendance record may be nearly impossible, please try to be fair to the rest of your child’s team when planning vacations and other events.

In the event of inclement weather, please check the home page of this website for FINAL rainout information. Parents can and should subscribe to the notices from the website. All cancellation notices posted to the website will go directly to your home and/or work e-mail immediately upon posting.  If you provide your cell number you will also receive a text message alert for last-minute changes. This can be particularly helpful if you do not regularly check your email.

If your child has any allergies (especially to bee stings), asthma, or any other serious health issue be sure to discuss this with your coach. We do not provide coaches with an extensive first aid kit. If your child may need more than a band-aid or ice pack, be sure that your child’s coach has it and knows how to use it.

Youth sports are the time to model correct and appropriate behavior for our children. Always keep in mind that this is a GAME and that these are CHILDREN playing. There will be mistakes made by players, coaches, and referees alike. Cheer your child on, but step back from the sideline and please let your coach do the coaching. While most coaches welcome any comments from the parents about making the season more productive and fun, please remember that the coaches are all parent volunteers working hard to spend time teaching your child. If you should have any concerns about your child’s coach, please contact your Division Director.

Our referee staff is trained and certified – but some are also young adults. Parents are not allowed, at ANY time, to make comments or have other interactions with the referees. Parents who disregard this rule will be asked to leave the fields. If you have questions or concerns about referees and/or game rules, contact the Referee Director.

Above all, please remember that the Soccer Program is first and foremost about our children having FUN. The goal is for our youth to learn to play soccer, get along with and play as a team, and be competitive and show good sportsmanship while having FUN. We look forward to another great season!

Good Faith Offering
Our target is a 6 to 10-game season and 1-2 weekly practices. Factors that can impact this good faith recreational offering are our volunteer coach schedules and availability, player availability, another town canceling after games are scheduled, field and weather conditions, safety, mandatory or suggested Town / State shutdowns, Pandemics, etc.

Under 09 - Boys

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
Show Details

Under 09 - Girls

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 10 - Boys

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 10 - Girls

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 11 - Boys

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 11 - Girls

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 12 - Boys

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 12 - Girls

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 13 - Boys

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 13 - Girls

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
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Under 14 - Boys

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
Show Details

Under 14 - Girls

Registration closes on 03/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/26/2025 to 06/07/2025
Show Details
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