Website Manager

Posted May 22, 2018

Referee recertification is being done online this year. All referees are required to recertify should they wish to referee this year. Please go to the CT State Referee Program website to register and take the training and exam.The State will handle all registrations and referee badges will be mailed to us. You may contact them at  [email protected]


Send email address changes to the Referee Director.
Please review the items below for a refresher on referee conduct  


1. Unless you have been called, assume your game is on.  Listen to what the coaches say, but remember, the final decision is yours. Keep safety in mind at all times.

2. When there is thunder there is usually lightening.  Suspend the match for 30 minutes, no exceptions!  During the suspension, everyone should be in a vehicle and not on the field or under trees. If your parents have dropped you off, ask a coach to give you shelter in their car.

VSC Games and Fields

1. Make sure of the start time and location of your game(s).

2. You must arrive 20 to 30 minutes before the start of your game.

3. Games need to be started on time and kept on time. Give your coaches a 10 then 5 minute notice of when the game is starting.

4. When you blow your whistle, blow it hard, so can be heard above all the noise and excitement. Also, speak loud enough to be heard.

5. Make sure your shirt is tucked in and you are wearing your official referee uniform.

6. When you are refereeing a game, make sure your are impartial. When asked the score, don't say we, meaning Vernon, say the score is 5 Vernon and 4 Ellington or 5 Chaos and 4 Lightning. Also, no jumping around and cheering for one of the teams playing. I know at times it might be hard, but remember you are a referee and impartial.

7. When you are a linesman for game, all focus must be on the game. When a friend or someone comes up to talk with you, you must tell them that now is not the time for conversation.

8. Foul language is never allowed on the field either out loud or under your breath. You never know who might walk by and it's unbecoming behavior or a ref.

9. If spectators are to close on the sidelines, politely ask them to move back. Also ask them to let other spectators know when they are to close. Tell them you need the area for throw ins.

10. When refereeing younger kids games, remember when you blow your whistle to let the kids know what they did wrong and what's the correct way of doing it. Don't go into long discussions, just tell or show them an then move the game along. The clock is running.

11. We don't allow aggressive playing. Whistles must be blown and appropriate action taken allowing agressive results in players being injured. Make sure you are following the play and then make the call.

12. Make sure you are checking all players' cleats and shin guards. Make sure the cleats are not metal and appropriate for soccer. Shin guards are to be worn under their socks.

13. FIFA rules require all jewelry to be removed for play.  For players with new earrings, the VSC will allow them to be taped for play.  No other exceptions.

14. Medical Alert Tags are allowed but must be taped down on chest under shirt or inside socks.

15. Travel/Competition games require player / coach passes and certified rosters. Center referee must check these before the match. Any player with out a pass cannot play in the match. NO EXCEPTIONS

16. Stay in control and do the best job you can in calling the game. Know your rules and make your decision quickly. If you realize a mistake (don't let coaches/players influence you if you feel you are right) and there is time to fix it, go ahead and fix it. If the game has progressed, the call you made is the call that stands.

17. If you have been assigned a game and you are not able to do it, you must contact the Referee Director as soon as possible. Please don't wait until the last minute. If you have found someone to replace you, you need to let the Referee Director know right away.

18. We use a 3-referee system (center and 2 lines) with the exception of recreation games. The center referee is responsible for providing flags to the linesmen. If a linesperson does not show you may use someone from the crowd as a club linesperson. He or she is only allowed to call when and where a ball goes out-of-bounds and nothing else. They also do not get paid.

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